Launching Zoom On Docker Container
Hello Everyone !
This time, I am here with the article in which I am launching zoom on the top of docker.
Task Description 📄
📍 GUI container on the Docker- Launch a container on docker in GUI mode- Run any GUI software on the container (So, I am launching Zoom)
Before starting the task lets understand the prerequisites
I have Installed RedHat 8
- On the top of RedHat 8, Docker is installed
- Inside docker container, I am performing the entire task.
- Need to install zoom rpm inside redhat linux first then dockerfile will do furthur work.
So Let’s Start 🤟
Creating directory
Here we have 2 ways by which we can install
first one is by “wget” command and the other one by copying zoom via dockerfile from linux vm. I am using second one here actually i tried both.
Link to download zoom rpm :-
FROM centosRUN yum update -y
COPY zoom_app /* /
RUN yum localinstall zoom_x86_64.rpm -y
CMD ["/usr/bin/zoom"]
Building the Dockerfile
docker build -t 'image_name' 'path_of_dockerfile
In place of ‘path _of_dockerfile’ in above command we can use . (dot) if the dockerfile is in the same directory where you are running this command.
Main command to launch the zoom
Network we are using as host and -env DISPLAY used for displaying gui in docker container and volume we are using for mounting so that it will not crash our app again and again.
One more thing if you are trying this task then run complete below command if you left any tag it will give you error !
sudo docker run -it --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" docker_zoom
Here after running the above command you might face this error “no protocol specified and unable to init server” i.e.
So here is the solution, Run this command to solve above error
xhost +
Zoom launched :)
Point to remember
give name “root” here otherwise zoom will exit automatically, even in any situation where you give wrong id pass or anything incorrect it will crash immediately so give correct details
Giving details
Live Class of Vimal Sir Inside Docker 😍
That’s all guys
📝 ️Few Last Words
→ There Are Many things about Docker, Machine learning and DevOps , Automation that i will be discussing in my upcoming article .
→ I will be sharing many article’s on Integrating multiple tools and technologies Cloud Computing, DevOps, Big Data Hadoop, Machine Learning etc. In Upcoming days .
→ Follow me on Medium for more Article’s on Research based and integration of new new tools and technologies .
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I Hope you learned something new from this article .
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