Ansible Installation In RHEL 8
4 min readFeb 24, 2021
Ansible Installation
Pre-requisites :-- two vm u must have with rhel 8 installed and yum should be configured in itAs in my case I am using two rhel 8 vm having ip system 1– (Ansible INstalled in this vm)
and one more vm I used having ip system 2– (Used for performing output of ansible tool means here I installed firefox using ansible from system 1 )
Now Ansible is Successfully Installed
IP of System
Checking Ansible Details
Checking host list available
Actually here I changed my vm so ip will be
Copying the file name and pasting in cfg file
Installing sshpass
Sshpass is installed successfully
Starting Another machine so that we can persorm our work
Similiary as previous we are starting a new rhel 8
Checking and removing firefox from another system !!
Can ping and ssh to our first system that is main systen !In second system there is no firefox as we can see its completely removed
So know ansible will come and play its role !!If someone does nt have epel-release download In their vn then this is how u can download itInstalling epel-release
If anyOne Facing error like this shown in below image then
THen run this command export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=FalseAnd then try again it will work
As u can see there is not any firefox in the system having ip 247 so now we will run one command from 178 ip system and ansible will do its work !!
So it will download firefox from this systen having ip 178 to the systen having ip 247And many other softwars and other things we can also download using ansible but for now I am showing u this only
And now if we will run again the command of ansible it will say firefox already dowloaded
Thats all guys its all about how we can setup ansible in rhel 8Thanks to vimal sir fOr Teaching us this tools and technologiesTHanks EveryOne For ReaDing !!!Hope This will Help uHh all
COnnecT with me On Linkedin FOr FurThur Queries and Feel Free tO Give Any Suggestions if u Have !!